STENOCARE erbjuder högkvalitativa medicinska cannabisoljor av farmaceutisk kvalitet, som produceras genom hygienisk och högteknologisk odling och bearbetning utan användning av bekämpningsmedel. STENOCARE kommer även att utveckla en produktionsanläggning för odling och produktion av medicinsk cannabis i bolagets lokaler på Jylland i Danmark.


STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Danska Stenocare, som är verksamma inom medicinsk cannabis, Källor: Discord avslutar samtal med Microsoft – siktar på IPO.

på deres børsnotering på First North i Danmark til en pre-money værdi på DKK 200 mio. Fratrukket forhåndstegninger […] StenoCare IPO-STENO.TE currently imports cannabis from Canada's CannTrust, with the first deliveries to Danish pharmacies and hospitals made last month. Cannabis is also attracting the interest of consumer products companies. StenoCare plans to use money raised in the IPO to launch its own production to serve local customers and export to other European markets with local growth and production now underway in Denmark. 2019-3-25 StenoCare plans to use money raised in the IPO to launch its own production to serve local customers and export to other European markets. It plans a first sowing of cannabis plants in the first 9th of October 2018 – STENOCARE’s IPO subscribtion is closed.

Stenocare ipo

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CannTrust har misskött sig rejält i Kanada och skeppat produkter, bland annat till Stenocare. Den härvan har legat som ett svart moln över Stenocare och kursen har tagit stryk utav det. Kursen sedan IPO:n Gemstone advised STENOCARE in its IPO process and is proud to report that the subscription turned out in excess of everybody’s expectation. You may read more about the subscription outcome HERE . Below, this page will give you’re an overview of and access to relevant news, information and insights. StenoCare, founded last year by CEO Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg and Chief Operating Officer Soren Kjaer, priced its IPO at 8.80 crowns per share, valuing the company at 59.7 million crowns. ($1 STENOCARE is the first medical cannabis IPO in Europe and a frontrunner in Denmark.

STENOCARE has been a profitable company from the end of its first quarter of operation (Q4-18) net of IPO cost and for all of 2019. It is expected, that new products will be introduced to the market, and that sales will once again contribute to the company's operating income before the end of 2020.

About Us. STENOCARE A/S was founded in 2017 with the StenoCare and its peers are policed by the Danish Medicines Agency and they must uphold strict levels of quality. The IPO will be the first of its kind in Europe, and it is taking place on Copenhagen’s Spotlight exchange. (omsändning av nyhet från 4 okt inför dagens handelspremiär)STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Det danska företaget Stenocare, som är verksamt inom medicinsk cannabis, vill int STENOCARE raised capital via an IPO on Spotlight Stock Market in Q3/Q4 2018 to start the project of establishing their own cultivation facility in Denmark. This project has several phases and, apart from the not yet received plant seedling export certificate, this is progressing as expected.

Stenocare ipo

STENOCARE: Interim Report fourth Quarter and full year 2020 2021-02-12 17:25 · Cision STENOCARE: New Product: More choice for treatment of Swedish patients with medical cannabis oil

Stenocare ipo

Men när det gäller förståelsen för IPO på  Stenocare grundades med mål om att hjälpa Det danska bolaget IPO-guide granskar Stenocare notering. cannabisbolaget Stenocare börjar  Syftet för närvarande tre produkter: CBD Drops STENOCARE, THC patienter cannabis för Cannabis danmark börsen ODI Pharma - IPO. Stenocare-arkiv » Ihållande Investeringar Cannabis danmark börsen stoppar oljejakt i Nordsjön Rekordyran på börsen ODI Pharma - IPO. ODI Pharma - IPO. Det medicinska cannabis-företaget Stenocare från Danmark gjorde en uppmärksammad IPO på Spotlight Stock Market  Det är det danska företaget Stenocare, vars aktie börjar handlas på cannabis-aktier har försvunnit men Fakta om asien ODI Pharma - IPO. Stenocare IPO of the year Svd Börsplus. fre, maj 24, 2019 CET. Hoppa till Stenocare börjar handlas på tysk börs - kan öka - Fill or Kill  Stenocare stock. Stenocare IPO of the year Svd Börsplus — Stenocare IPO of the year Svd Börsplus. fre, maj 24, 2019 CET. Lågupplöst  Stenocare IPO of the year Svd Börsplus.

The interest from the investor community resulted in an oversubscription of 2,161%. CEO Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg told Reuters that StenoCare is raising money from an initial public offering (IPO) to launch its own production facility, so that it can better serve Danish STENOCARE has been a profitable company from the end of its first quarter of operation (Q4-18) net of IPO cost and for all of 2019. It is expected, that new products will be introduced to the market, and that sales will once again contribute to the company's operating income before the end of 2020. STENOCARE was introduced on Spotlight Stock Market in October 2018 as the first medical cannabis IPO in Europe. The interest from the investor community resulted in an oversubscription of 2,161%.
Barndans haninge

STENOCARE A/S ("STENOCARE") and Emerald  Stenocare began trading on the Spotlight Stock Market under the trading symbol STENO on October 26, 2018. Post IPO, the Company's ownership decreased  El IPO Tracker de Fellow Funders monitoriza las incorporaciones de empresas a 18/05/2020, STENOCARE · STENO, Dinamarca, Nasdaq First North Growth  Eminova Fondkommission. First North Sweden. IPO. OptiFreeze AB. May 15. Västra Hamnen.

Samma dag som IPO:n skedde så sålde ägarna en del aktier och det  Stock analysis for Stenocare A/S (STENO) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. STENOCARE AKTIE und aktueller Aktienkurs. Nachrichten zur Aktie StenoCare | A2N6HF | DK0061078425. 2 Oct 2018 New marijuana stock IPO's ahead could further offer investment opportunities beyond Across “the pond” there will also be the StenoCare IPO. 27 Oct 2018 Danish cannabis company StenoCare shares surge been using cannabis oil drops since March this year, attempted to buy shares in the IPO. 4 okt 2018 ”Bakgrunden för IPO:n och att lista aktien på Spotlight är att attrahera kapital för att kunna etablera produktionsanläggningen.
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Danish firm StenoCare is expected to list its shares in Copenhagen in October, becoming the first cannabis company in Europe to make such a move. The press release stated at StenoCare is hoping to raise 18.6 million Danish crowns ($2.9 million) on …

STENOCARE A/S NASDAQ FIRST NORTH GROWTH MARKET, DENMARK TICKER: STENO. The Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer of STENOCARE A/S (“STENOCARE”) hereby publishes the annual report of the fiscal year 2020. Each warrant entitled Gemstone the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in STENOCARE at the original IPO subscription price of DKK 8,80.

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Stock analysis for Stenocare A/S (STENO) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

Stenocare IPO of the year Svd Börsplus. fre, maj 24, 2019 15:39 CET. Lågupplöst · Medelupplösning · Originalupplösning  Köp aktien STENOCARE A/S (STENO).

STENOCARE har valgt at stoppe med import og distribution af vores tre Medicinsk cannabis olie-produkter ”STENOCARE DROPS”. Årsagen er, at leverandøren af produkterne har en igangværende sag med de Canadiske myndigheder, fordi de har anvendt dyrkningsrum til produktionen, som ikke havde fået endelig godkendelse til at blive anvendt.

maj til 11. juni 2020 Danske STENOCARE A/S dyrker, importerer og sælger receptpligtig medicinsk cannabis. Selskabet vil hente op til DKK 45 mio. på deres fortegningsemission på Nasdaq First North i Danmark til en pre-money værdi på ca. DKK 179 mio.

The listing drew widespread international media attention and was named as “the best IPO in Sweden in 2018” by the leading financial media SvD BörsPlus and oversubscribed by more than 21x. StenoCare, founded last year by CEO Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg and Chief Operating Officer Soren Kjaer, priced its IPO at 8.80 crowns per share, valuing the company at 59.7 million crowns. ($1 = StenoCare, founded last year by CEO Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg and Chief Operating Officer Soren Kjaer, priced its IPO at 8.80 crowns per share, valuing the company at 59.7 million crowns. ($1 = Gemstone advised STENOCARE in its IPO process and is proud to report that the subscription turned out in excess of everybody’s expectation. You may read more about the subscription outcome HERE. Below, this page will give you’re an overview of and access to relevant news, information and insights.