Stora tavlor, posters & affischer i storleken 70x100 cm. En stor tavla kan skapa en känsla för hela rummet, välj någon som representerar dig. På Desenio hittar du ett av Sveriges största utbud av stora tavlor, i en mängd olika konststilar. Berätta vem du


Travel Poster Co. is the official artist-owned print shop of Henry Rivers. Explore Henry's wide selection of minimalist travel prints and posters.

Our business idea is simple: on-trend and attractive wall art should be available to everyone. In 2020 we acquired Poster Store, creating a group with 220 employees and over 1 billion SEK in revenue. Desenio is a webshop selling prints and frames that can fit perfectly in every kind of interior. Choose from a wide range of modern and trendy prints and frames and buy online at At Desenio we like to keep up with the latest design trends, and here we have put together our posters and prints that are new in the store. The category is updated continuously when new designs arrive, and we offer many graphical art designs, illustrations, photographs produced by both our own Desenio Design Studio as well as known artists and photographers. Desenio is Europe’s premier online store for art prints and frames, shipping to more than 35 countries worldwide. Desenio’s business idea is simple: on-trend and attractive wall art should be available to everyone.

Desenio poster store

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We help create beautiful homes around the world with our large assortment of posters and art prints! Scandinavian design is in our DNA and our unique and on-trend art prints suit a lot of different home interior styles. Desenio offers a wide assortment of black and white posters. Black and white wall art are among our most popular products, and you're guaranteed to find something for everyone here, with a choice of graphical, artistic, and minimalist styles!

Rådgivare till Poster Stores grundare vid försäljning till Desenio. Poster Store, en av de snabbast växande DTC-bolagen (direct-to-consumer) inom väggkonst, 

The motifs also look great in e.g. an older home or as store decor where period-specific details are desired. Buy vintage online at

Desenio poster store

Desenio Poster Store e-handel 25 nov 2020, kl 13:47. Bekräftat: Desenio köper Posterstore – bildar miljardkoncern. Fredrik Palm, vd Desenio. Foto: Press.

Desenio poster store

Here you can find the most trendy and stylish posters in different colours and styles. Shop online at Affisch-sajten slukas i miljardaffär – köps upp av konkurrenten Desenio. Desenio e-handel 24 nov 2020, kl 16:41. Foto: Press / Skärmklipp. Stefan Lundell. Desenio tarjoaa verkossa printtejä sekä kehyksiä jotka sopivat täydellisesti jokaiseen sisustustyyliin. Verkkokaupassamme löydät laajan valikoiman moderneja ja trendikkäitä julisteita sekä kehyksiä osoitteessa Welcome to the Swedish online store Desenio!

Poster Store, en av de snabbast växande DTC-bolagen (direct-to-consumer) inom väggkonst, blev förvärvade av Desenio, Europas ledande e-handelsbolag inom posters och ramar. Poster Store, one of the fastest growing D2C-companies (direct-to-consumer) within wall art, was acquired by Desenio, Europe’s leading online store for art prints and frames. Desenio is backed by the majority owner and growth-investor Verdane. Bekräftat: Desenio köper Posterstore – bildar miljardkoncern. Desenio Poster Store e-handel 25 nov 2020, kl 13:47. Fredrik Palm, vd Desenio.
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We are now hiring a Team Leader - Customer Service to join our team and contribute to our  May 10, 2018 - Buy popular wall art online at Choose from lots of trendy posters with Scandinavian design. Fast delivery and high customer  25 nov 2020 Desenio växer genom att förvärva uppstickaren Poster Store, en internationell e- handel för designade tavlor och posters.

Kies uit een grote selectie moderne en trending posters en lijsten online op Desenio är Europas ledande nätbutik för posters och ramar, med försäljning till mer än 35 länder globalt. Desenios affärsidé är enkel: trendig och attraktiv väggkonst ska vara tillgänglig för alla. Genom förvärvet av Poster Store skapar Desenio en ny företagsgrupp med 220 anställda och en omsättning överstigande SEK 1 miljard.
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Desenio poster store sbf 127 utbildning
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malin forsberg mau
trang tarkanal Vardagsrumsfärg, Vardagsrum Färger, Inredning, Vardagsrum DESENIO - POSTERS ONLINE on Instagram: “An empty room is a story waiting 

In 2020 we acquired Poster Store, creating a group with 220 employees and over 1 billion SEK in revenue. Desenio is Europe’s premier online store for art prints and frames, shipping to more than 35 countries worldwide. Our business idea is simple: on-trend and attractive wall art should be available to everyone.

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2019-sep-07 - (I partnerskap med Desenio) Desenio posters har blivit ett eget begrepp på nåt vis. Det är en viss känsla över Desenios posters och tavelväggar 

SovrumsidéerVardagsrumsväggInredning RumInreda  Verdane köper 50 procent av svenska e-handelssajten Desenio.

At Desenio, you can be sure to find wall art that matches your taste. Whatever your style and preferences, we hope you can find wall art to suit your home. Desenio has a wide range of different designs, including photographic prints, classic black & white images, cool retro wall art, modern abstract art, illustrations, beautiful wall art for kids and much more.

Desenio is backed by the majority owner and growth-investor Verdane. Bekräftat: Desenio köper Posterstore – bildar miljardkoncern. Desenio Poster Store e-handel 25 nov 2020, kl 13:47.

Get ready to run with a new Greatist inspirational running poster to keep you moving. This print will show the world (and remind yourself) that you don’t just run… you RUN. Read Aug 6, 2018 Desenio is a source for high-quality posters and prints at affordable prices. You can find posters of art prints, landscape photography and  Results 1 - 24 of 60000+ Whether you want to add a pop of color to your bedroom wall or display a fun design in your entryway, a high-quality art poster is all it  Jul 2, 2019 Golden photo frames found in a local charity shop. Embroidery bought from an Instagram seller several years ago.