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Kriterierna för att kvalificera sig för ett Hong Kong Work Visa är något ogenomskinligt, men det första du behöver göra är att säkra ett jobbbjudande. Du måste då 

Upon approval of the application, a two-year work visa will be granted. The applicant will then be allowed to apply a resident Hong Kong Identity card. The applicant should apply and be granted a work visa before entering Hong Kong to take up his/her employment. Your work visa only allows you to work in Hong Kong for the company that sponsored your visa. However, you can apply for the sideline visa which is in addition to your regular work visa and allows you to take up part time work after approval from immigration.

Hong kong work visa

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The U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau is currently offering all classes of immigrant and nonimmigrant visa services. Phone: In Hong Kong & Macau: ( 

Steps for Getting a Work Visa in Hong Kong. First, employees need to fill out the right application form for their requested visa and attach all the required documents.

Hong kong work visa

In Hong Kong, an employment visa is a work visa designed for any foreign professional who has taken up a job offer in this country. Aside from the permission to work and earn money, a holder of the employment pass is also given the right to bring along their family members, or even to acquire permanent residency status when deemed appropriate.

Hong kong work visa

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The applicant should apply and be granted a work visa before entering Hong Kong to take up his/her employment. If an individual comes to Hong Kong before proceeding a work visa application, or an individual is recruited locally, and then subsequently applies for a work visa whilst in Hong Kong, this will affect a change of status application from a visitor visa to a work visa. If you obtain work while already in Hong Kong, you can apply for a work visa and the Immigration Service will rarely ask questions. You will have to leave and re-enter Hong Kong to activate the visa. Once you have obtained a job offer, your company will work with you in applying for a Hong Kong visa and although most applications are accepted, a significant number are rejected. If you move to Hong Kong for job-related reasons, you need to apply for a work visa under the General Employment Policy (GEP). You can submit your Hong Kong work visa application form by mailing it or by presenting the documents in person.
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Unless a quota system applies, these work visa applications are assessed and issued at the discretion of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which we’ll refer to as HKSAR or just “Hong Kong”. You may have seen these visas referred to as “schemes” or “permits” but we’ll stick to “visa” in this article to keep it simple. A work visa is a visa issued to foreigners who wish to work legally in Hong Kong. This type of visa does not apply to Chinese residents of the Mainland of China – they may apply to come to work under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionalism. Hong Kong Work Visa Overview Hong Kong Corporate Services offers expert personal assistance to expatriate clients and their families who are moving to Hong Kong either through an existing company that wishes to employ the individual as a member of staff, or through a newly established company where he or she is an investor in the new business.

Learn more about the scheme and application procedures here.
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Hong Kong is an excellent destination to work. You may be eligible for a work visa in Hong Kong if you possess the right combination of skills, experience and qualifications. The Hong Kong government takes interest in work visa applications that look promising enough to contribute to the local economy and society.

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Q: Does anyone in Hong Kong do part time jobs on the side illegally? Change of Sponsorship of Employment Visa. Regardless a Hong Kong work visa has expired or not, a change of sponsorship application is required if a work visa holder is changing an employer. An application for a change of sponsorship must be filed with Immigration Department before starting a new employment. The application procedure is similar to a new work visa application.

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Hong Kong Visas for Employees. Hong Kong has a special work permit scheme for hiring skilled foreign employees called Employment for Professionals. This article provides details about eligibility requirements, application procedure, processing timeline, and other relevant information about Employment for Professionals work permit scheme. Also, work visa holders may apply for the right of abode in Hong Kong in accordance with the law if ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years.

The Immigration Department will not be able to start processing the application unless all the required documents and information have been received. If you are aged between 18 and 30 and hold a valid national passport of Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Sweden or the United Kingdom, you may apply for a Working Holiday visa for visit and/or working in Hong Kong. Learn more about the scheme and application procedures here. Most people moving to Hong Kong for a job apply for a work visa under the General Employment Policy (GEP). These types of visas are usually issued only for a specific period. To be eligible, candidates must have a confirmed job offer with an employer who is sponsoring them.