ENDOMINES Evli höjer Endomines till behåll (sälj), riktkurs 3,50 euro (5,50) (Finwire) 2020-12-02 08:42 Evli höjer Endomines till behåll (sälj), riktkurs 3,50 euro (5,50) newsroom@finwire.se Nyhetsbyrån Finwire Måste ju vara 0,35 euro mot tidigare 0,55 För att tycka att en aktie är värd mer 10 gånger så mycket, det är ju konstigt.


Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) (”SBB” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggjorde den 18 december Marika Dimming, Investor relations.

Endomines Oy. Guld. Helsinki. Endomines AB (publ.) Kalvinit Oy. Endomines AB: Endomines ingår avtal med MZ Group för att leda den har ingått ett avtal med den internationella IR specialisten MZ Group  Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) (”SBB” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggjorde den 18 december Marika Dimming, Investor relations. Endomines-aktien verkar väl vara åtminstone spekulativt köpvärd vid nuvarande börskurs 5,70 http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/AMDA-EI7J1/ Dvs skuldsättning är låg i relation till att bolaget är värt 450 miljoner kr på börsen.

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Endomines is an agile and modern mining company. We are active in the exploration and mining of gold deposits in Finland and the United States. We aim to grow the value of our company by developing our assets into economically profitable mines in keeping with sustainable mining practices. Investors. Endomines as an investment Oy based on multiple joint investments and other business relations between JJK and the Board member. in Endomines AB Endomines AB, Stock Exchange Release 11 June 2020 at 14:30 CESTEndomines AB , a mining and exploration company with a primary focus on gold, has engaged international investor relations | February 1, 2021 Reports & Sec Filings AB News Center About AB Upcoming Events Corporate Responsibility Context: The AB Blog on Investing AB is committed to expand our global leadership in active management, lead in private and public alternatives, and continue to improve our efficiency—all while acting responsibly—for the benefit of our clients STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN / ACCESSWIRE / June 11, 2020 / Endomines AB (Nasdaq Stockholm:ENDO), a mining and exploration company with a primary focus on gold, has engaged international investor relations specialists MZ Group (MZ) to lead a comprehensive strategic investor relations and financial communications program across all key markets. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN / ACCESSWIRE / June 11, 2020 / Endomines AB (Nasdaq Stockholm:ENDO), a mining and exploration company with a primary focus on gold, has engaged international investor relations Endomines AB , a mining and exploration company with a primary focus on gold, has engaged international investor relations specialists MZ Group to lead a comprehensive strategic investor relations For more information on Endomines, please visit the Company's investor relations websit.

Endomines, Investor meeting. June 11th 2019 12:20 (Europe/Stockholm). Language: Swedish. Speaker: Acting CEO Marcus Ahlström & Styrelseordförande 

Vid frågor är du välkommen att kontakta vår IR-kontakt. Endomines AB, stock exchange release 17 April 2018 at 17:30 CET The shareholders of Endomines AB (publ) are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting to be h Investor Relations.

Endomines ab investor relations


Endomines ab investor relations

ADDT.B, SEK, ADDTECH ENDO, SEK, ENDOMINES AB, 100, 100, 100. ENEA, SEK, ENEA AB  VD, Endomines AB, 2017–2019. Finansdirektör, F-Secure Director, Communications and Investor Relations sedan 2019 Född 1978. Utbildning Bachelor of  Endomines AB-bild.

Enea. Lennart Svantesson är VD på NAXS AB som är ett publikt bolag noterat på Nasdaq i revisionskommittéerna på Swedish Match, Cloetta och Endomines. Meltron träffar avtal med ISAP i USA - Investor relations - Uni-light. 20 sep 2019 (ISAP) och ingått avtal rörande ett Joint Venture och en licens  Porkonen. Kivimaa. Kälviä- ilmenit.
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14:04 / 7  Rights issue in Endomines AB (publ) – last day of trading in shares including subscription rights is 4 January 2021 on Nasdaq Stockholm and 5 January 2021 on  Endomines är listat på First North. Scirocco har tagit fram identifikationslösningar inom området IR. Primära målgrupper är tillverknings- och  Hon kommer närmast från positionen som VD för Endomines AB. Innan dess Elin Otter, Director, Communications & Investor Relations Pampalo in mine gold a operates Endomines releases Latest 7 12 2020 changes is investors for concern pressing most The exploring, in engages (publ) AB nyheter på Prenumerera Prenumerera ir@enea Relations Investor Kontakt com  Endomines, Investor meeting. June 11th 2019 12:20 (Europe/Stockholm). Language: Swedish.

June 11th 2019 12:20 (Europe/Stockholm). Language: Swedish. Speaker: Acting CEO Marcus Ahlström & Styrelseordförande  DELÅRSRAPPORT för perioden 1 januari - 31 mars 2008 ENDOMINES AB Investor presentation Gexco June 2007 29 juni 2010 1 Investor presentation  utbrister en aktieanalytiker när Affärsvärlden ringer för att fråga vad som utmärker de företag som är bäst på så kallad investor relations, alltså bolagens  Kontakta oss.
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Endomines is an agile and modern mining company. We are active in the exploration and mining of gold deposits in Finland and the United States. We aim to grow the value of our company by developing our assets into economically profitable mines in keeping with sustainable mining practices.

Endomines AB: Endomines Engages MZ Group to Lead Strategic Investor Relations and Shareholder Communication Program Publicerad: 11 juni 2020, 14:30 (Cision) Torsdag 28 maj Endomines AB (publ),556694-2974 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Endomines AB (publ) Endomines AB prospekterar och utvecklar mineralfyndigheter i Finland.Bolaget äger undersökningstillstånd eller bearbetningskoncessioner för samtliga kända guldfyndigheter längs Karelska guldlinjen, bland annat Pampalogruvan i vilken bolaget har målsättningen att återuppta driften under 2010. Endomines AB: Endomines rapporterar tidigare opublicerade borrningsresultat från Pampalomalmernas förlängningar från 2017, markerat av 7,9 meter med 31,3 g/t Au, inkluderat 1,4 meter med 128,0 g/t Au. Endomines AB, pressmeddelande 9.2.2021 kl.

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Investor Relations. ir@betssonab.com +46 (0)8 506 403 00. Investor relations. Betsson AB's Q4 and full year report 2020 was published on 9 February 2021 at 7:30 CEST.

Endomines AB (Publ). Country: Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden. Sales Revenue ($M):.

Endomines AB, stock exchange release 17 April 2018 at 17:30 CET The shareholders of Endomines AB (publ) are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting to be h

We are active in the exploration and mining of gold deposits in Finland and the United States. Endomines is a mining and exploration company with its primary focus on gold.

L. E. Lundbergforetagen Learnify Slider - Grimaldi. Endomines AB. These pages provide information about Endomines as an investment. Endomines is an agile and modern mining company. We are active in the exploration and mining of gold deposits in Finland and the United States. Endomines is a mining and exploration company with its primary focus on gold. Endomines operates a gold mine in Pampalo, has exploration activities along the Karelian Gold Line in Eastern Finland and develops mining operations in Idaho, USA. Endomines Engages MZ Group to Lead Strategic Investor Relations and Shareholder Communication Program STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN / ACCESSWIRE / June 11, 2020 / Endomines AB (Nasdaq Stockholm:ENDO), a mining Endomines AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: ENDO), a mining and exploration company with a primary focus on gold, has engaged international investor relations specialists MZ Group (MZ) to lead a comprehensive strategic investor relations and financial communications program across all key markets. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN / ACCESSWIRE / June 11, 2020 / Endomines AB (Nasdaq Stockholm:ENDO), a mining and exploration company with a primary focus on gold, has engaged international investor relations specialists MZ Group (MZ) to lead a comprehensive strategic investor relations and financial communications program across all key markets.