As Principal of IES Västerås, I would like to offer you a warm welcome and invite you to our vibrant school. It is a pleasure for me to be principal of a school where 750 amazing students come every day to learn and where there is always a lot going on both during and between lessons.


Here you find the term dates for the academic year 2021/22. Study Days (studiedagar) will be added shortly. Autumn Term 2021. School Start Wednesday 18 August. Autumn Break (Höstlov) week 44

Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age. Behärska engelska språket. Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder. We recruit the best teachers from around the world.

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29 Jan 20. Autumn term 2020. Open House 2020 Due to the pandemic, we will not hold our annual Open House in December. The doors to IES Värmdö will open in August 2021.

Moderskolan IES Enskede söker lärare till läsåret 2017 - 2018 Internationella Engelska skolan i Enskede är den först startade skolan inom IES. Vi är en fristående grundskola för årskurserna 4 - 9 som startades 1998 av Mrs. Barbara Bergström.

17th of August -Read more. Skrivartävling!

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Start your study abroad adventure with IES Abroad on one of our 140 different programs in 35 locations worldwide.

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Moderskolan IES Enskede söker lärare till läsåret 2017 - 2018 Internationella Engelska skolan i Enskede är den först startade skolan inom IES. Vi är en fristående grundskola för årskurserna 4 - 9 som startades 1998 av Mrs. Barbara Bergström. Command of English.

Tuesday 14 April at 17:30, here at IES Johanneberg. The founding school IES Enskede is seeking teachers for the Academic Year 2017-2018 Internationella Engelska Skolan Enskede is the founding school within the IES organisation. We are an independent secondary school with grades 4-9 which was started in 1998 by Mrs. Barbara Bergström.
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Internationella Engelska Skolan i Hässelby Strand Tel +46 (0)8 522 482 00 Email Aprikosgatan 68 - 74 165 66 Hässelby, Sweden

Behärska engelska språket. Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder. We recruit the best teachers from around the world.

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Hitta information om Compass Group Fs Sweden AB - Ies Västerås. Adress: Hörntorpsvägen 2, Postnummer: 724 71.

We have staff and students from all over the world contributing to a dynamic international atmosphere. IES Upplands Väsby and BSK have started a collaboration to make children in the municipality more active The pandemic has hit the children's health hard as the association life has had to shut down. Term Dates IES Uppsala 2020/2021. 29 Jan 20. Autumn term 2020. Open House 2020 Due to the pandemic, we will not hold our annual Open House in December. 17th of August -Read more.

IES News Tvåspråkighet är en av våra grundpelare 2021/04/22 The Hans and Barbara Bergström Foundation makes significant contribution to school research 2021/04/09

More than 21 400 students attend our 30 schools around the country. a meal with friends Students in Västerås watched, and tasted, with pride as their school restaurant took part Tasteland, the restaurant of Internationella Engelska Skolan Västerås, to take part in the national final, naming them as one of the top The doors to IES Värmdö will open in August 2021.

Fyra av IES skolor, Eskilstuna, Karlstad, Landskrona och Täby, har varit med i den försöksverksamheten som startade 2017. Read more. 2021/02/01 .