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Christian theology is a rich and complex topic of study. Throughout history, many scholars have attempted to distill the words of the Bible and the works of earlier theologians to understand the growth and meaning of the faith. No current scholar could possibly read all of the significant books that are relevant to Christian theology.

This book aims to create a Christian theology of wisdom for the present day, in discussion with two sets of conversation-partners.

Christianity 101 is an introductory text for college level courses in Christian theology. The text provides a history of Christian thought in each of the key areas of Christian theology and discusses the major debates and thinkers in the tradition.

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Its focus is on theology, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, ethics, and ecumenism in World Christianity. Recommended Reading – Influential Theology Books Posted on October 30, 2015 January 29, 2021 by ptsblog In October, seminaries and divinity schools around the country celebrate Theological Libraries Month. This book aims to create a Christian theology of wisdom for the present day, in discussion with two sets of conversation-partners. The first are writers of the 'wisdom literature' in ancient Israel and the Jewish community in Alexandria. Here, special attention is given to the biblical books of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. Click here for 700 Free eBooks Listed Alphabetically by Author. Click here for Christian Creeds and Reformed Confessions + Supplementary Resources.