Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1 786-628-5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786-628-5270


Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Senior Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom; Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. Millicom sets the pace when

Our Brands and Services. Through our communications, investor relations and other functions as  Millicom, som är primärnoterat på NASDAQ, är en global investerare i Investor Relations, Millicom International Cellular S.A. +44 20 7321  Millicom announces the Nomination Committee ahead of the 2020 Annual General Meeting Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager Stockholm, 4th April, 2016 - Millicom has today published its Annual Report and Nicolas Didio, Director, Head of Investor Relations. Tel: +352  David Boyd, Interim Investor Relations Director Tel: +44 20 3249 2413 / Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Find out which funds hold TIGO SDB (XSTO). Start a 14-day free trial to Morningstar Premium to unlock the trailing 2-year trend of ownership. Det latinamerikanska telekombolaget har likt andra ”värdeaktier” varit en stor vinnare på nyheter om ett vaccin. Aktien har dock 40% kvar till nivån före  Senior Analyst in the Nordea Equity Research team.

Millicom investor relations

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Bolaget arbetar som mobiloperatör med särskild inriktning mot tillväxtmarknader. Tjänsterna som erbjuds inkluderar huvdusakligen tjänster inom mobil, tv och bredband, samt tillhörande tilläggstjänster. Millicom appoints Michel Morin as VP Investor Relations Mon, Mar 20, 2017 08:00 CET. Luxembourg 20 March, 2017 – Millicom International Cellular S.A. ("Millicom") announced today it has appointed Michel Morin as VP Investor Relations starting March 20, 2017, reporting to Millicom’s CFO, Tim Pennington. 2021-03-08 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786 628 5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. -END- For further information, please contact: Press:Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628- 5300 Investors:Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628 2020-10-19 2019-05-02 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786 628 5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. 2019-11-07 Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Millicom International Cellular SA. Andelen 1 % anger hur många av General Electric Co-ägarna som även har Millicom International Cellular SA i sin portfölj.

692, 692.5, 87,294, 60,579,022. Investor B. SEK, 697. 0.4. 0.0574. 696.8, 697, 577,321, 403,001,918. ISS Millicom Int. Cellular SDB. SEK, 335.1. 4.1. 1.2387.

Bolaget arbetar som mobiloperatör med särskild inriktning mot tillväxtmarknader. Tjänsterna som erbjuds inkluderar huvdusakligen tjänster inom mobil, tv och bredband, samt tillhörande tilläggstjänster. Jag tycker det är intresant att notera att AMF ökat sitt innehav från 3,7% (31/12-2020) till 5,1 % enligt info från Millicom. Investor Relations: NOTERA: Dessa sidor är för närvarande under uppbyggnad, och kommer inom kort innehålla mycket mer information om Millicom Int. Cellular: bolagsinformation, aktiegraf, nyckeldata, rapporter m.m.

Millicom investor relations

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Millicom investor relations

Repurchase of shares in Millicom Luxembourg, March 23, 2020 - During the period March 16, 2020 – March 20, 2020, Millicom repurchased a total of 206,891 of its Swedish Depository Receipts (SDRs), hereinafter referred to as shares within the framework of the repurchase program announced on February 27, 2020, details of which are shown in the table below. LeoVegas dividend 2020. At the Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2020 it was decided that the dividend of SEK 1.40 would be paid out semi-annual in two equal payments. Investor relations Manager. +46 73 4185166. You might also be interested in. Find out more about Saab as an employer, our broad market 2021-03-01 · Millicom International Cellular S.A. Common Stock (TIGO) Stock Quotes - Nasdaq offers stock quotes & market activity data for US and global markets.

Millicom plans NASDAQ U.S. listing and will host investor meeting on January 9 Thu, Dec 13, 2018 22:31 CET. Luxembourg, December 13, 2018 – Millicom International Cellular SA (“Millicom”) announced today that it has filed a Form 20-F registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Millicom är verksamma inom telekommunikation.
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Tjänsterna som erbjuds inkluderar huvdusakligen tjänster inom mobil, tv och bredband, samt tillhörande tilläggstjänster. Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 305 445 4156

Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1 786 628 5300, Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our investors for their 'Tigo Lends You' is helping to build a relationship of reciprocal trust between Tigo  Tigo.
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Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom .

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Find the latest Financials data for Millicom International Cellular S.A. Common Stock (TIGO) at

Find out more about Saab as an employer, our broad market 2021-03-01 · Millicom International Cellular S.A. Common Stock (TIGO) Stock Quotes - Nasdaq offers stock quotes & market activity data for US and global markets. LUXEMBOURG, Mar 20, 2017 Millicom International Cellular S.A. ("Millicom") announced today it has appointed Michel Morin as VP Investor Relations starting March 20, 2017, reporting to Millicom's Intresserad av ämnet Millicom? Här hittar du samtliga artiklar, kommentarer och analyser om Millicom från Dagens industris redaktion.

Millicom provides trading update Luxembourg, October 19, 2020 – In conjunction with previously-announced proposed financing activities, Millicom International Cellular S.A. is

Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 20 3249 2460

LUXEMBOURG, Mar 20, 2017 Millicom International Cellular S.A. ("Millicom") announced today it has appointed Michel Morin as VP Investor Relations starting March 20, 2017, reporting to Millicom's Intresserad av ämnet Millicom? Här hittar du samtliga artiklar, kommentarer och analyser om Millicom från Dagens industris redaktion.